To Our Babies

I love you forever, I like you for always, as long as I'm living my babies you'll be.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

We had a great time last night! We threw a suprise party for Grandma's (Carrigan's Mom) 60th birthday. We even managed to have 2 of her best friends and her sister fly in! The food was great, I should know I made it, and the company was better. Now we have to go pick up all the tables from the aftermath! Then, not sure what we're doing today. Probably trying to finish repairing Grace's ceiling now that things have dried out.

Claire's surgery has been scheduled for June 30th, although if they get an opening they will move her up to this coming week. We are looking at a minimum of 2hrs, but if the other 2 procedures need to be done then it could go to 4-5hr surgery. And she will be in the hospital a minimum of 5 days. Poor peanut, but if this helps than I can't argue too much about that. I do feel bad that she'll spend the 4th of July in the hospital. That's kind of a big family day for us.


  1. Well, we'll just have to bring 4th of July to her!

  2. will miss you at greeley! love to claire and all!
